About Shaun

Shaun Breen batting in a Wiffle Ball game

Hi there! As you’ve probably figured out, my name is Shaun Breen. If not, well, now you know.

I live a few miles outside of Albany, NY with my wife and two children. We know there are other places that are more fun, so we like to travel away from this area when we can, especially to escape the bitter cold temperatures in winter.

My childhood and early adulthood included a lot of time playing baseball and Wiffle Ball. Nowadays, I don’t really get to play anymore. Even before getting threatened with legal action by The Wiffle Ball Company, I knew “professional Wiffle Ball player” wasn’t going to happen anyway. However, looking back, playing sports resulted in some of the most fun times of my life. And I might be the only person on Earth that can say that I met my wife at a Wiffle Ball game.

A few years before getting married, I graduated from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute with big dreams. I didn’t think it would lead to spending workdays enclosed in gray cubicle walls though. In order to pay the bills, for the last 16+ years I’ve spent my weekdays working at a computer doing Microsoft SQL Server database administration for New York State government agencies.

Before I had my own family and a house, work used to be my primary focus. Now, I try to balance the two while I count down the days to retirement. To spice things up, I occasionally do some side gigs in my spare time that allow me to buy chicken nuggets from Burger King.

I can’t believe that I recently turned 40! How did that happen already? I always thought that 40 was old, but now I’m not so sure. Watching my kids grow over the past few years has really shown me how valuable family time is. The quote, “the days are long, but the years are short,” seems like the best way to describe it.

Anyway, that’s a brief summary of me. Thank you for stopping by. Feel free to click through this site and stick around for a little while before you head off somewhere else.
